We all deal with anxiety at times- it’s part of being human and serves a purpose in keeping us alert when something could have a bad outcome. But sometimes people develop feelings of anxiety that are too frequent, unrelated to a specific event, are out of proportion to a given event, or just don’t go away. More than 18% of Americans seek treatment for anxiety as adults. Unfortunately, only 41% of Americans with mental health symptoms seek medical care each year. Obviously these are terrible statistics in the abstract but when you imagine people actively suffering without access to care or not knowing how to get it, even though we have tools to help, it really brings it home. Don’t ignore your mental health! It’s just as important as your physical health and is interdependent with it. People with chronic physical illnesses are more likely to develop mental health problems and people with mental health problems have physical health ramifications if not physical health causes. Bottom line- these feelings of anxiety or panic are manifested physically in our bodies as part of our “fight or flight” response. So when anxiety is happening too often, this response really takes a toll on us. We can end up with problems like insomnia, headaches, muscle tension, trouble concentrating, as well as the irritability and worry or panic that comes with the feelings of anxiety.
A panic attack can happen when people have a constant low to moderate level of anxiety they are dealing with that will then explode in a panic attack. This includes feelings of doom, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, nausea, sweating and shaking. These attacks often come with no warning and are not related to a stressful or worrisome event. They can wake you up from sleep, happen at work or school, or even while trying to relax with family or friends. These attacks are terrifying and if you have not experienced one before you need to seek immediate medical attention to be sure that you are not in fact experiencing a heart attack, pulmonary embolism, or allergic reaction. Yes, panic attacks are that bad. Your body gives you signals that your life is at stake!
If you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety we want to help. There is a chance your anxiety symptoms are being caused by a thyroid, heart or lung issue so let’s make sure not to miss those. If your diagnosis is in fact an anxiety disorder, there are medications we can prescribe and monitor that can really help as well as excellent therapists who can teach you to manage symptoms. Let us know about your story, especially if these symptoms are interfering with your life- whether relationships, work, family responsibilities or health. We want to help you to live your healthiest life possible- physically and mentally. Kelly Goodman Group